This cultural movement is growing strongly both within and without Europe. In the summer of 2007, there were perhaps between nine and ten thousand serious Viking re-enactors and our numbers are increasing rapidly.
Viking re-enactors are not geeks, dressed up to play theatre! The Vikings in the international Viking society have found a way of life far away from the stressful ways of modern times. The daily life is, of course, quite modern but during summer seasons and weekends you have the possibility to enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow vikings and the fascination history offers.
In The Viking movement you will find people of all generations, men as well as women. Young or old – it doesn’t matter as long as you have the right frame of mind. If you, for instance, at some Viking market see a crib with fur beddings you will know that here is a future Viking in making. If you meet an elderly man doing carpentry work, you will know that here is a great source of experience and knowledge.
During summers, many Viking markets are arranged all over Europe. There you have the opportunity to meet old friends and to make new ones. Usually, you travel to these markets with your local Viking group and create your own authentic camp.
The Viking movement is a cultural expression that does not accept history to be locked away for the benefit of historians and antiquarians at museums and archives. These are naturally of great importance as safe keepers of artefacts and original records of our common Heritage, but the dusty world of The Academy needs renewal and fresh alternatives. As a Viking you are offered another way of identifying with the terms of life of our ancestors one thousand years ago.
The Viking movement demands openness and tolerates no prejudice or discrimination. On the 28th of June 2001 in Tinghöll, the great festivity Hall of Foteviken, 65 Viking leaders from 18 nations accepted the Laws of Foteviken. The most important law can be seen below.
Not very much, actually. If you join an established group you will probably soon become a part of the fellowship. You will want to have your own set of authentic clothes and equipment. Initially, you might be able to borrow the basic items. Remember, it takes time to assemble a complete kit. Therein lies some of the thrill. You will gradually add to and refine your equipment with newfound handicraft skills or by trading with other Vikings. You will want to learn more, and can do so either by private studies or by discussions with your fellow Vikings.
A positive frame of mind is helpful. You should be willing to be yourself and share your skills and joyfulness with your fellows. You should realize that the will and the power of the fellowship stems from yourself. You should take your own initiatives and not expect everyone else to pull the heaviest load.
In this case you can join the Viking Reserve’s own support group, SVEG. As part of this association you find “the Byalag”, divided into the different sections of boat building/sailing, cultivation, handicrafts, archery and fighting. The activities usually take place during Saturdays in The Viking Reserve, where SVEG has it’s club house. You can find more information about SVEG and whom to contact on the internet at The annual fee is 175 SKR. As a member you have permanent free access to The Viking reserve.
There are many Viking groups that you could apply for membership in, or you could form your own group. If you need advice about founding your own group, we at The Museum of Foteviken might be able to help. E-mail us at