The season of 2020

We have now decided!

We will open the museum to Vikings and the public on the Swedish national day, June 6. After thorough verification and dialogue with Vellinge municipality and other authorities we have agreed to open the Foteviken Viking Museum.

We will adequately comply with the recommendations of the Public Health Authority. The shop/entrance building will have clear distance markers and no more than 8 people will be allowed inside the shop at the same time.

Outdoors the museum grounds will be divided into zones where at most 50 people will be allowed inside a zone at the same time.

We are fully aware of the fact that our visitors this season will be almost exclusively Scanians, with perhaps a few Swedes from further away and maybe a Dane or two. There will be no traditional Viking Market and midsummer celebration, but the museum still invites all Vikings who wish to to sell goods, do crafting or simply participate in Viking life. We will have no market programme this year to reduce the risk of crowds. This applies to the whole season, which will be very different this year without any planned guided tours, shows etc.

We can still offer a fantastic open air museum, where the buildings and old environments are still worth a visit. Since we will have no international visitors this year due to closed borders and other restrictions we will have to rely on support from visiting locals and Scanians in order for the museum to survive this season.

We welcome support members in our association, and you may buy a year card which allows you and your family free entry for a full year, including the Viking Market next year.

It is also important that all Vikings from near and far may breathe some fresh air, make a camp fire, live as a Viking and enjoy the sunset at Foteviken.

The staff at the Foteviken Viking Museum welcome you all, civilians and Vikings, young and old.

Björn and the staff