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Bulletins from Foteviken

A museum has a history of its own, something often forgotten or hidden in dry annual reports. Here however you may see some of the activities at Foteviken throughout the years in text and images. Welcome to Foteviken!

Many of our older bulletins are only available in Swedish, but here you may find a selection in English.

Unfortunately new bulletin releases have become sparse since Sven Rosborn retired and now mostly chronicle what has happened at the museum during the past year. 

2014 - 2017 - The past years

2013 - Flashbacks of the year and looking forward to what is to come

2003 - The year of 2003

2002 - Viking life at Foteviken in 2002

2001 - Battle of Foteviken

2001 - The Viking year of 2001

2000 - There was a letter...

No 1 - 2014